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27 September 2023

A Study on the User Experience to Improve Immersion as a Digital Human in Lifestyle Content

HumanComputer Interact...
Digital Human
digital human whitepap...
digital human technolo...
Applications of digita...
Related publication: 10.3390/app122312467
I'd like to mention that InfoVision's latest whitepaper appears to be an excellent resource for those eager to delve deeper into this subject. The comprehensive guide covers everything from the core definition of digital human technology to its real-world applications, benefits, challenges, ethical considerations, and its future making it must-read. You can explore it here: https://www.infovision.com/whitepapers/digital-humans-revolutionizing-human-computer-interaction

I'm excited to explore the whitepaper further and learn more about the potential of digital humans to revolutionize human-computer interaction.
1 Participant