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Unlocking Academic Influence: How SciProfiles Can Elevate Your Scholarly Impact

06 Sep 2024

The key to elevating your scholarly impact on SciProfiles is simple: make a post🧐. Share your research and insights on both the newsfeed page and your personal profile page. This dual posting strategy ensures maximum visibility and engagement with the scholarly community.

Perhaps you just published a new article and you want it to be seen (or even cited) by other researchers in your field. Simply having it displayed on a website may not attract enough attention. There are tens of thousands of new articles published every day. This sheer amount makes it relatively difficult for your article to stand out and shine.

Your article is waiting for you to introduce it to academia. Your excellent research idea is going to rock the academic world.

Post the moments.

Post your moments in SciProfiles

What if you could briefly explain how your recent work makes a difference to researchers in your academic field, and how it will help THEIR research? They might say “Wow, this is a true inspiration! Why I didn’t know this person before?” and may reach out to you and bring you great opportunities.

This used to be a privilege for a few really famous scholars, often overwhelmed by the attention they received. The majority of researchers, young and aspirational, are struggling to get acknowledgment for their hard work.

SciProfiles encourages scholars to post. It is a unique feature among academic platforms, designed to spread academic influence conveniently and directly. Users can introduce their articles to peers in the same field, share daily insights, or just say hello.

Read posts from others

Communication is made casual, fun, and instant. Researchers from different countries with different backgrounds may thus talk to each other in the most efficient fashion. Follow each other to never miss an update, start discussions to enlarge your network, or even share job opportunities. It all starts with a small post.

Add your profile picture to gain more exposure

Now that you may have already made your first post, what next? Our stats show that users with profile pictures gain 58% more clicks to their posts than those without profile pictures. Having a profile picture tells others that you are active and willing to share ideas with them. Adding a profile picture is a promising investment in your academic influence.

Import publications automatically by adding ORCID and emails

To further enrich your profile with the least amount of effort, we recommend you add to your profile all of your emails with which you have published articles before. Those emails will be fully private in all circumstances. All your publications that are publicly linked to those emails will be added to your profile automatically, so you don’t have to worry about searching for them one by one. Another convenient way to enrich a profile is to link it to your ORCID if you have one. Your publications in ORCID will be automatically added to your profile as well. Profiles from other platforms or social media can also be displayed on your profile for the visitors’ convenience.