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An Analysis of Transcriptomic Burden Identifies Biological Progression Roadmaps for Hematological Malignancies and Solid Tumors

tumor progression
Solid Tumors
Related publication: 10.3390/biomedicines10112720
Although cancer is thought to be heterogenous disease, this research show that cancer is nothing but a biologically progressing disease, with predictable patterns of signaling pathways and mutations. Another important aspect is, most gene expression analysis have failed to render the biology of tumor progression, instead blamed heterogenity or noisy data as reason for their inability. However, this study defies those ideas and illustrates that cancer progression has a beautiful biology, with amazing biological networks that continues to evolve during progression, and the evolution does have a fixed end-point. I struggled to find a common biological theme about cancer progression, with so much struggle and undying passion to unravel the true face of this monsterous disease, I came up with a new method for analying gene expression datasets from patients. But there seems to be lack of interest among audience, there is no curiosity to find the big picture view of cancer, why?
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