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QUMA: Quantum Unified Medical Architecture Using Blockchain

health informatics
quantum hash
electronic medical rec...
Related publication: 10.3390/informatics11020033
A whole new network of Quantum Mechanics-based chains for Highly Advanced Medical Information Networking (QMEDCHAIN) is being developed. We use entangled states to connect the quantum blockchain nodes. A single qubit stores the hash values for individual blocks, and the regulated actions required to combine quantum blocks automatically create time stamps.
An innovative protocol for entangled quantum medical records (EQMRs) is proposed, and the data flow and processing in the network are explained in detail. This protocol implements a quantum authentication technique. The feasibility of the new EQMR protocol is explained by linked simulations, and its security aspects are fully realizable. Additionally, the mechanism of information processing in the network is elucidated via an example.
This study provides an in-depth evaluation of security measures. The theory-derived security research demonstrates the EQMR protocol’s security against three common types of attacks: external attacks, measurement replay attacks, and entanglement attacks. The correctness and traceability analyses of the BloQ are well presented. This study also compares the proposed QMEDCHAIN with numerous current blockchain models, particularly quantum blockchain systems.
2 Participants

11 June

Fascinating research! The integration of quantum mechanics into medical information networking through QMEDCHAIN is a groundbreaking approach. The use of entangled states in the quantum blockchain nodes and the implementation of an innovative protocol for entangled quantum medical records (EQMRs) demonstrate the potential for enhanced security and data integrity. Looking forward to seeing how this quantum-based approach can revolutionize medical information management."

11 June

Thank you Rosie for the discussion and comments! The work has extended to check how the properties of quantum affecting the healthcare data for its betterment as you said. The paper is on the way!