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Saponins of North Atlantic Sea Cucumber: Chemistry, Health Benefits, and Future Prospectives

Sea cucumber
Cucumaria frondosa
Related publication: 10.3390/md21050262

As any skill reader may find, the chemical part of the text is a permanent error. The publication of article of such level is a disgrace for any scientific journal. I suppose that the submission of this article was a sort of special crash-test for the Marine Drugs institutions such as editors, referees, guest editors et al. It is obvious that MD didn’t resist this crash-test.

In order to save the situation, it seems to be necessary to quickly eliminate the article from Marine Drug site. The authors, referees and especially academic editors should be penalized by including in all possible MDPI stop lists.

It seems to be probable that chemical part of the article was generated by a neuro-network.

1 Participant