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Royal Holloway University of London
8851 Publications
9 Members
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Journal Article
Discrete Mathematics
Published: 01 October 2024 in Discrete Mathematics
ACS Style

Gregory Gutin; Wei Li; Shujing Wang; Anders Yeo; Yacong Zhou. Note on disjoint cycles in multipartite tournaments. Discrete Mathematics 2024, 347 .

AMA Style

Gregory Gutin, Wei Li, Shujing Wang, Anders Yeo, Yacong Zhou. Note on disjoint cycles in multipartite tournaments. Discrete Mathematics. 2024; 347 (10):.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Gregory Gutin; Wei Li; Shujing Wang; Anders Yeo; Yacong Zhou. 2024. "Note on disjoint cycles in multipartite tournaments." Discrete Mathematics 347, no. 10: .

Journal Article
Expert Systems with Applications
Published: 01 September 2024 in Expert Systems with Applications
ACS Style

Mehshan Ahmed Khan; Houshyar Asadi; Li Zhang; Mohammad Reza Chalak Qazani; Sam Oladazimi; Chu Kiong Loo; Chee Peng Lim; Saeid Nahavandi. Application of artificial intelligence in cognitive load analysis using functional near-infrared spectroscopy: A systematic review. Expert Systems with Applications 2024, 249 .

AMA Style

Mehshan Ahmed Khan, Houshyar Asadi, Li Zhang, Mohammad Reza Chalak Qazani, Sam Oladazimi, Chu Kiong Loo, Chee Peng Lim, Saeid Nahavandi. Application of artificial intelligence in cognitive load analysis using functional near-infrared spectroscopy: A systematic review. Expert Systems with Applications. 2024; 249 ():.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Mehshan Ahmed Khan; Houshyar Asadi; Li Zhang; Mohammad Reza Chalak Qazani; Sam Oladazimi; Chu Kiong Loo; Chee Peng Lim; Saeid Nahavandi. 2024. "Application of artificial intelligence in cognitive load analysis using functional near-infrared spectroscopy: A systematic review." Expert Systems with Applications 249, no. : .

Journal Article
Beneficial Microbes
Published: 14 June 2024 in Beneficial Microbes

Chronic intestinal inflammation is associated with strong alterations of the microbial composition of the gut. Probiotic treatments and microbiota-targeting approaches have been considered to reduce the inflammation, improve both gut barrier function as well as overall gastrointestinal health. Here, a murine model of experimental colitis was used to assess the beneficial health effects of Bacillus subtilis SF106 and Bacillus clausii (recently renamed Shouchella clausii) SF174, two spore-forming strains previously characterised in vitro as potential probiotics. Experimental colitis was induced in BALB/c mice by the oral administration of dextran sodium sulphate (DSS) and groups of animals treated with spores of either strain. Spores of both strains reduced the DSS-induced inflammation with spores of B. clausii SF174 more effective than B. subtilis SF106. Spores of both strains remodelled the mouse gut microbiota favouring the presence of beneficial microbes such as members of the Bacteroidetes and Akkermansia genera.

ACS Style

M. Vittoria; E. Horwell; D. Bastoni; A. Saggese; L. Baccigalupi; S.M. Cutting; E. Ricca. Bacillus subtilis SF106 and Bacillus clausii SF174 spores reduce the inflammation and modulate the gut microbiota in a colitis model. Beneficial Microbes 2024, -1, 1 -13.

AMA Style

M. Vittoria, E. Horwell, D. Bastoni, A. Saggese, L. Baccigalupi, S.M. Cutting, E. Ricca. Bacillus subtilis SF106 and Bacillus clausii SF174 spores reduce the inflammation and modulate the gut microbiota in a colitis model. Beneficial Microbes. 2024; -1 (aop):1-13.

Chicago/Turabian Style

M. Vittoria; E. Horwell; D. Bastoni; A. Saggese; L. Baccigalupi; S.M. Cutting; E. Ricca. 2024. "Bacillus subtilis SF106 and Bacillus clausii SF174 spores reduce the inflammation and modulate the gut microbiota in a colitis model." Beneficial Microbes -1, no. aop: 1-13.

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