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Journal Article
Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología
Published: 01 May 2024 in Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología
ACS Style

María Herrero Teijón; Armando González-Sánchez; Lizbeth de la Torre; Antonio Sánchez Cabaco. Estado cognitivo, emocional y nivel de dependencia en personas adultas y mayores institucionalizadas. Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología 2024, 59, 101481 .

AMA Style

María Herrero Teijón, Armando González-Sánchez, Lizbeth de la Torre, Antonio Sánchez Cabaco. Estado cognitivo, emocional y nivel de dependencia en personas adultas y mayores institucionalizadas. Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología. 2024; 59 (3):101481.

Chicago/Turabian Style

María Herrero Teijón; Armando González-Sánchez; Lizbeth de la Torre; Antonio Sánchez Cabaco. 2024. "Estado cognitivo, emocional y nivel de dependencia en personas adultas y mayores institucionalizadas." Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología 59, no. 3: 101481.

Journal Article
Published: 20 April 2024 in Retos

This study analyzes the offensive phase play style developed by F.C. Barcelona and Manchester City, two teams managed by Pep Guardiola at different stages of his career. It examines the evolution of this style and its adaptation to different contexts and squads. Employing observational methodology, 20 matches were analyzed, 10 from each team against the highest-ranked rivals in their league, during the seasons of their most successful offensive performance in national competitions. Various variables were assessed to define their playing style, utilizing descriptive statistics and a quantitative analysis (χ²) to evaluate the differences between both teams. The results reveal significant differences in the construction of offensive sequences between them. While F.C. Barcelona is noted for more elaborate and dense plays, with greater use of progressive passes, Manchester City is characterized by longer ball possession and a higher volume of retention passes compared to the Spanish team. However, both teams share a high percentage of success in offensive actions, exceeding 80%, along with similar values of directional changes and shots on goal. This analysis reflects Guardiola's adaptability and tactical evolution, adjusting to the unique characteristics of each team and the dynamics of their respective leagues. Keywords: Soccer, Performance, Observational Methodology, Team Sport, Tactics, Technique. El presente estudio analiza el estilo de juego desarrollado en fase ofensiva del F.C. Barcelona y el Manchester City, dos equipos dirigidos por Pep Guardiola en distintas etapas de su carrera. Se examina la evolución de dicho estilo y su adaptación en diferentes contextos y plantillas. Utilizando la metodología observacional, se analizaron 20 partidos, 10 de cada equipo frente a los rivales mejor clasificados de su liga, en las temporadas de mayor éxito ofensivo de estos equipos en sus competiciones nacionales. Se evaluaron diferentes variables para definir su estilo de juego, para lo que se empleó la estadística descriptiva y un análisis cuantitativo (χ²) con el que evaluar las diferencias entre ambos conjuntos. Los resultados revelan diferencias significativas en la construcción de las secuencias ofensivas entre ellos. Mientras el F.C. Barcelona destaca por jugadas más elaboradas y densas, con mayor uso de pases de progresión, el Manchester City se caracteriza por un manejo del balón más prolongado y con un mayor volumen de pases de conservación respecto al equipo español. Ambos equipos, sin embargo, comparten un alto porcentaje de éxito en acciones ofensivas, superando el 80%, al igual que similares valores de cambios de orientación y tiros a portería. Este análisis refleja la adaptabilidad y evolución táctica de Guardiola, adaptándose a las características únicas de cada equipo y las dinámicas de sus respectivas ligas. Palabras Clave: Fútbol, Rendimiento, Metodología Observacional, Deporte de equipo, Táctica, Técnica. This study analyzes the offensive phase play style developed by F.C. Barcelona and Manchester City, two teams managed by Pep Guardiola at different stages of his career. It examines the evolution of this style and its adaptation to different contexts and squads. Employing observational methodology, 20 matches were analyzed, 10 from each team against the highest-ranked rivals in their league, during the seasons of their most successful offensive performance in national competitions. Various variables were assessed to define their playing style, utilizing descriptive statistics and a quantitative analysis (χ²) to evaluate the differences between both teams. The results reveal significant differences in the construction of offensive sequences between them. While F.C. Barcelona is noted for more elaborate and dense plays, with greater use of progressive passes, Manchester City is characterized by longer ball possession and a higher volume of retention passes compared to the Spanish team. However, both teams share a high percentage of success in offensive actions, exceeding 80%, along with similar values of directional changes and shots on goal. This analysis reflects Guardiola's adaptability and tactical evolution, adjusting to the unique characteristics of each team and the dynamics of their respective leagues. Keywords: Soccer, Performance, Observational Methodology, Team Sport, Tactics, Technique. O presente estudo analisa o estilo de jogo desenvolvido na fase ofensiva do F.C. Barcelona e Manchester City, dois times comandados por Pep Guardiola em fases diferentes de sua carreira. É examinada a evolução deste estilo e sua adaptação em diferentes contextos e modelos. Utilizando a metodologia observacional, foram analisados ​​20 jogos, 10 de cada equipe contra os rivais mais bem classificados de seu campeonato, nas temporadas de maior sucesso ofensivo dessas equipes em suas competições nacionais. Diferentes variáveis ​​foram avaliadas para definir seu estilo de jogo, para as quais foram utilizadas estatísticas descritivas e uma análise quantitativa (χ²) para avaliar as diferenças entre as duas equipes. Os resultados revelam diferenças significativas na construção das sequências ofensivas entre eles. Enquanto o F.C. O Barcelona se destaca pelas jogadas mais elaboradas e densas, com maior utilização de passes de progressão, o Manchester City se caracteriza por maior manejo de bola e maior volume de passes de conservação em comparação ao time espanhol. Ambas as equipas, no entanto, partilham uma elevada percentagem de sucesso nas ações ofensivas, ultrapassando os 80%, bem como valores semelhantes nas mudanças de orientação e remates à...

ACS Style

Luis Pueyo Romeo; Víctor Murillo Lorente; Javier Álvarez Medina; Mario Amatria Jiménez. Análisis del estilo de juego de dos equipos entrenados por ‘Pep’ Guardiola (Analysis of the playing style of two teams coached by ‘Pep’ Guardiola). Retos 2024, 56, 179 -187.

AMA Style

Luis Pueyo Romeo, Víctor Murillo Lorente, Javier Álvarez Medina, Mario Amatria Jiménez. Análisis del estilo de juego de dos equipos entrenados por ‘Pep’ Guardiola (Analysis of the playing style of two teams coached by ‘Pep’ Guardiola). Retos. 2024; 56 ():179-187.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Luis Pueyo Romeo; Víctor Murillo Lorente; Javier Álvarez Medina; Mario Amatria Jiménez. 2024. "Análisis del estilo de juego de dos equipos entrenados por ‘Pep’ Guardiola (Analysis of the playing style of two teams coached by ‘Pep’ Guardiola)." Retos 56, no. : 179-187.

Journal Article
Sustainability and Sports Science Journal
Published: 17 April 2024 in Sustainability and Sports Science Journal

The aim of this study was to compare internal load and external load between AirBadminton and traditional indoor badminton. The research was conducted with 8 badminton players from the Alicante Technification Centre, including both men and women. The study was carried out based on the recommendations and guidelines of the International Badminton Federation. The procedure included competitions in both 1vs1 and 2vs2 formats, first on sand and then on hard court. Various variables related to players' internal and external load were analysed, using devices such as WIMU PRO for external load and Polar H7 transmitters for internal load. Data analysis was performed using statistical tests such as T-Student and Wilcoxon. Results showed significant differences between indoor badminton and AirBadminton in terms of internal and external load. In the 1vs1 format, indoor badminton was found to be more demanding, with higher intensity efforts, greater distance covered, and higher heart rate compared to AirBadminton. Similar results were observed in the 2vs2 format, confirming that indoor badminton involves greater effort. AirBadminton may be a healthier and more accessible alternative, suitable for different age groups, as it is less explosive and lighter in terms of internal and external load. Future research should focus on technical, tactical, and full-match duration aspects of this new modality.

ACS Style

Carlos Elvira Aranda; José Antonio Pérez-Turpin; María José Gomis Gomis; Mario Amatria Jiménez. Analysis of external load and internal load in AirBadminton. Sustainability and Sports Science Journal 2024, 2, 138 -148.

AMA Style

Carlos Elvira Aranda, José Antonio Pérez-Turpin, María José Gomis Gomis, Mario Amatria Jiménez. Analysis of external load and internal load in AirBadminton. Sustainability and Sports Science Journal. 2024; 2 (3):138-148.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Carlos Elvira Aranda; José Antonio Pérez-Turpin; María José Gomis Gomis; Mario Amatria Jiménez. 2024. "Analysis of external load and internal load in AirBadminton." Sustainability and Sports Science Journal 2, no. 3: 138-148.

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