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De Montfort University
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Journal Article
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Published: 01 October 2024 in Resources, Conservation and Recycling

This research explores the sustainability of recycling polymer composites using fused deposition modelling (FDM). The objective was to assess how different recycling cycles affect the mechanical integrity and energy efficiency of recycled polymers. The study employed quantitative assessments of tensile strength, energy consumption, and carbon emissions across multiple recycling cycles. Recycled materials were compared with virgin materials to establish a baseline for degradation and efficiency. Various additives were tested to evaluate their ability to stabilise material properties. Significant findings indicate that recycled polymers retain up to 90 % of their original tensile strength after the first cycle, declining to 80 % after three cycles. Energy usage during the recycling process decreased by 30 %, while the carbon footprint was reduced by 25 %, showcasing notable environmental benefits. The study confirms that FDM recycling of polymer composites can be optimised to achieve substantial sustainability benefits in terms of environmental impact and material preservation.

ACS Style

Mattew A. Olawumi; Bankole I. Oladapo; Temitope Olumide Olugbade. Evaluating the impact of recycling on polymer of 3D printing for energy and material sustainability. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 2024, 209 .

AMA Style

Mattew A. Olawumi, Bankole I. Oladapo, Temitope Olumide Olugbade. Evaluating the impact of recycling on polymer of 3D printing for energy and material sustainability. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2024; 209 ():.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Mattew A. Olawumi; Bankole I. Oladapo; Temitope Olumide Olugbade. 2024. "Evaluating the impact of recycling on polymer of 3D printing for energy and material sustainability." Resources, Conservation and Recycling 209, no. : .

Journal Article
Journal of Business Research
Published: 01 September 2024 in Journal of Business Research

In recent years, the international entrepreneurial behaviors of African firms have garnered considerable attention within the global business context. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, African firms are stepping onto the international stage with growing confidence and ambition. This trend is fueled by a combination of factors, including advancements in technology and communication, as well as evolving trade agreements. However, along with the opportunities presented by international expansion, African firms also face a myriad of challenges. Despite these challenges, African firms are demonstrating remarkable resilience and innovation in their pursuit of international entrepreneurship. In this Special Issue Editorial, we showcase and capture the emerging and diverse range of scholarly contributions to the international entrepreneurship field in Africa. The papers in this collection provide various ways to enhance the conversation on the constraints on development and the different dynamics of international entrepreneurship. We also shed light on the inherent challenges in attempting to unlock the full potential of African firms and national economies in the 21st century.

ACS Style

Joseph Amankwah-Amoah; Nathaniel Boso; Samuel Adomako; Albert Danso. Editorial to the special issue “International entrepreneurial behaviors of African firms: Emerging issues, challenges and opportunities”. Journal of Business Research 2024, 182 .

AMA Style

Joseph Amankwah-Amoah, Nathaniel Boso, Samuel Adomako, Albert Danso. Editorial to the special issue “International entrepreneurial behaviors of African firms: Emerging issues, challenges and opportunities”. Journal of Business Research. 2024; 182 ():.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Joseph Amankwah-Amoah; Nathaniel Boso; Samuel Adomako; Albert Danso. 2024. "Editorial to the special issue “International entrepreneurial behaviors of African firms: Emerging issues, challenges and opportunities”." Journal of Business Research 182, no. : .

Journal Article
Journal of Medicine, Surgery, and Public Health
Published: 01 August 2024 in Journal of Medicine, Surgery, and Public Health

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force in various fields, and its application in mental healthcare is no exception. Hence, this review explores the integration of AI into mental healthcare, elucidating current trends, ethical considerations, and future directions in this dynamic field. This review encompassed recent studies, examples of AI applications, and ethical considerations shaping the field. Additionally, regulatory frameworks and trends in research and development were analyzed. We comprehensively searched four databases (PubMed, IEEE Xplore, PsycINFO, and Google Scholar). The inclusion criteria were papers published in peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, or reputable online databases, papers that specifically focus on the application of AI in the field of mental healthcare, and review papers that offer a comprehensive overview, analysis, or integration of existing literature published in the English language. Current trends reveal AI's transformative potential, with applications such as the early detection of mental health disorders, personalized treatment plans, and AI-driven virtual therapists. However, these advancements are accompanied by ethical challenges concerning privacy, bias mitigation, and the preservation of the human element in therapy. Future directions emphasize the need for clear regulatory frameworks, transparent validation of AI models, and continuous research and development efforts. Integrating AI into mental healthcare and mental health therapy represents a promising frontier in healthcare. While AI holds the potential to revolutionize mental healthcare, responsible and ethical implementation is essential. By addressing current challenges and shaping future directions thoughtfully, we may effectively utilize the potential of AI to enhance the accessibility, efficacy, and ethicality of mental healthcare, thereby helping both individuals and communities.

ACS Style

David B. Olawade; Ojima Z. Wada; Aderonke Odetayo; Aanuoluwapo Clement David-Olawade; Fiyinfoluwa Asaolu; Judith Eberhardt. Enhancing mental health with Artificial Intelligence: Current trends and future prospects. Journal of Medicine, Surgery, and Public Health 2024, 3 .

AMA Style

David B. Olawade, Ojima Z. Wada, Aderonke Odetayo, Aanuoluwapo Clement David-Olawade, Fiyinfoluwa Asaolu, Judith Eberhardt. Enhancing mental health with Artificial Intelligence: Current trends and future prospects. Journal of Medicine, Surgery, and Public Health. 2024; 3 ():.

Chicago/Turabian Style

David B. Olawade; Ojima Z. Wada; Aderonke Odetayo; Aanuoluwapo Clement David-Olawade; Fiyinfoluwa Asaolu; Judith Eberhardt. 2024. "Enhancing mental health with Artificial Intelligence: Current trends and future prospects." Journal of Medicine, Surgery, and Public Health 3, no. : .

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